Have you been looking for foods that burn fat? Learn about the diet plan for weight loss and how to reduce weight safely.
I knew someone who had a very troubling body image problem. She wondered why even though she drank only 1 cup of Starbucks coffee, ate 1 apple a day AND roller-bladed for 3 hours everyday, she still gained weight.
News Flash! If you starve yourself, your body goes into starvation mode and any food that enters your body, after supplying the energy to keep you alive, the rest is converted to fat to be stored.
Makes 1 Serving
• 1 scoop Vanilla Iso-Smooth Isolate Protein
• 1 shot of espresso
• ¼ cup of greek yogurt
• Pinch of stevia
• Pinch of cinnamon
• 5 ice cubes
Blend and Enjoy!
Nutritional Facts
(Per Serving)
Find more Metabolic Cooking Recipes for Fat Burning Food here.
Ted.com Video Alert : What you didn't know about coffee: Asher Yaron at TEDxUbud
After several trips to Bali, Asher Yaron finally decided to move there
and follow his desire to create a local, organic, sustainable business.
Balinese coffee farmer friend I Nyoman Wirata, Asher created
F.R.E.A.K., that is, "Fresh Roasted Enak (delicious in Indonesian)
Arabica from Kintamani," which is involved in all aspects of the coffee
business "from the cherry to the cup." Asher also has plans to use pure
spring water from Kintamani to further improve the flavor of their
coffee and return a percentage of the profits to community projects in
the Kintamani region. Asher's upcoming venture: Coffee University.
Fat Burning Recipes to Die for!
The following supplements are required during the 3 Week Diet. They will help your body run effciently, help burn fat at maximum potential and will provide many healthy benefits.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s)
Your health, good or bad, is driven in large part by the level of inflammation in your body and the amount of lean muscle mass you have. In fact, there are several diseases (including obesity) that are linked to inflammation and the lack of muscle mass.
When you control the inflammation in your body, you can effectively control the onset of numerous diseases, including type II diabetes, heart disease, depression, arthritis and obesity.
Muscle mass decreases over time, especially when we are not eating enough protein and not engaging in exercise.
The less muscle mass we have, the more weight we will gain. Lean muscle mass is crucial to keeping body fat at bay.
A healthy body is one that has low levels of inflammation and higher levels of muscle mass. While many attribute high levels of inflammation and loss of muscle mass to aging, the fact is, we can keep our bodies young through proper nutrition and exercise. We get old from the inside out. So, it is important to keep inflammation down and exercise up.
Essential fatty acids are exactly that: Essential. EFA’s are mainly polyunsaturated fats. Humans must ingest them because our bodies are unable to create them.
Once broken down, EFA’s contribute to vital organ function. EFA’s regulate body functions and are essential to cardiac cells. Other functions impacted by EFA’s are heart rate, blood pressure, clotting, fertility and conception and immune system functions.
You may have heard EFA’s referred to as Omega-3’s or linolenic acid and Omega-6’s linoleic acid.
The two major forms of omega-3 fats used by the body are (EPA) eicosapentaenoic acid and (DHA) docosahexaenoic acid.
You may be wondering, how will this help my diet? Well, the key to this fatty acid is that during the metabolism of these acids, energy is generated in the cells. During your diet, your energy sources from protein and essential fatty acids will help your metabolism to continue running and burning those extra carbohydrates (or stored fat) for fuel.
Fish oil also has other benefits, such as:
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Whey Protein
Whey protein is considered a “complete protein” in that it has all of the amino acids you need to sustain life. In the past, whey protein shakes were awful and gritty. Science has come a long way, however, in making these shakes a lot more tolerable.
Do they taste like your favorite milkshake topped with whipped cream and a cherry? Hardly...but depending on the brand and the flavor, there are some really good choices out there that are actually pretty good. And, by adding some sugar-free flavored syrups (like they use in coffee shops), you can incorporate some good variety and really make some very tasty shakes.
When choosing a Whey Protein to use in this diet, be sure to choose a brand that allows you to keep carbohydrates as low as possible (no more than 2 grams per scoop).
Additionally, during this diet, you will want to keep fat as low as possible as well (no more than 2 grams per scoop). This will ensure the best possible conditions for your weight loss goals.
Depending on your weight, you may need more than one scoop. If you were to take two scoops, just be sure that you are not exceeding 4 grams of carbohydrates. 4 grams of carbohydrates will not have much of an impact on your blood sugar.
As you will see, whey protein will make up a large component of the 3-Week Diet. For some, purchasing whey protein powder to make up many of their meals for the over the next 21 days may seem expensive, but when you consider that you can get all your meals for the day for about $10, this is actually pretty cheap. Plus, you’ll find that a lot of time is freed up that is normally spent on cooking and eating meals, which gives you more time to take a walk or engage in other exercise.
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has excited many researchers over the past few years. The fact is, numerous studies have shown CLA to provide a host of benefits including combating diabetes, building lean muscle mass, thwarting cancer, keeping fat cells from becoming larger and dramatically reducing body fat.
CLA helps to move the fat you eat into your muscle cells instead of being stored as body fat. It then activates certain enzymes in your body to force your muscles to burn that fat—especially during exercise.
As mentioned, CLA has also been shown to prevent fat cells from getting fatter, so even when you’ve finished the 3-Week Diet, CLA can help keep the fat from ever coming back.
When combined with the 3 Week Diet, CLA can nearly double your fat loss when taken in the range of 6-8 grams per day.
As you may recall, Leucine is an essential amino acid that is found in dietary protein. While researchers have known about Leucine for decades, only recently have they determined the amazing benefits that Leucine has on the body.
Leucine is an extremely valuable BCAA (branched chain amino acid) due to its ability to switch on the body’s muscle building process as well as to preserve lean muscle mass when dieting. Leucine has been proven to be the most important amino acid to muscle building.
Researchers at the University of Illinois conducted studies that examined weight loss diets containing 10 grams of leucine per day with 125 grams total of protein per day with a minimum of 2.5 grams of leucine at each meal. In two separate studies, the groups consuming high leucine diets had greater weight loss, greater fat loss and better preservation of lean body mass.
Understand that whey protein is a complete protein which is a great source of Leucine. To ensure that we are getting enough Leucine, however, we will add additional Leucine to our diet every day.
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Greens+ is full of vitamins and minerals and it is loaded with free radical absorbing antioxidants. It contains electrolytes (magnesium, potassium, sodium) that are extremely important on a low-carb diet.
Greens+ is also packed with base producing compounds that neutralize dietary acids and it is rich with healthy bacteria that will help to detoxify the body as we rapidly release toxins from the fat cells as they are used up for energy.
Greens+ is a brand name that gets rave reviews. You can definitely find something similar, but this product does get my personal recommendation.
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After my 3rd kid, I was a size 6-8 (depending on my dinner). I really tried everything:
My After weight loss picture was taken at the beginning of this year and I am 45 years old (2015). I am a US size 2-4 now. I don't think I will ever be a size 0 again in this lifetime & be able to slip on a dress without even unzipping it (like in the good ole days... never mind, there is always my next life.)
In case you think I have skinny Chinese genes, nope, my grandfather had pants 3 normal-sized guys could get into. My mother used to horrify me with stories of how my aunt's 20 inch waist before marriage became 20 inch thighs after her 4 kids. I was determined not to walk down that scary path of permanently being called 'Auntie' by all and sundry.
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